Frequently asked questions

What is Solar-i?

We found that most people are not aware that certain buildings they visit often have solar cells positioned on their roof. That is why we created Solar-i, an information board that brings passers-by closer to the institution's efforts to obtain solar energy and reduce its impact on the environment. The panel shows information in an understandable and entertaining way.

Who is it for?

For everybody who passes by! It can attract interest in your waiting room or rather in that long hallway you pass everyday 12 times. It can be a chat stop point during the meal brake for your employees, you can monitor energy consumption and try to optimize it at any time. Your business partners can follow good practice and consider how they themselves could contribute to caring for the environment.

Is it intended only for companies?

Not at all. Spreading consumption awareness knows no borders. Solar-i panels can be installed in big or small company buildings, shops, factories, concert venues, but also in schools, kindergardens and even private homes.

Can we trust the numbers?

100 %. The board contains real data that does not distort reality and strives for transparent operation of buildings and companies. You operate with the direct nonfiltered data, that you can interpret by yourself individually or in groups, and spread thrustworthy information.

Can children understand it?

With a thought of all age groups and profiles, we pay attention to offer you an easy understandable panel. It can serve as a practical example of your little educational afternoon for your curious children, where you can introduce environmental issues and among other topics explain how we can produce renewable energy.

Why should I consider getting one?

To become aware of how much you consume and how much you actually need in real time. Invest in the people involved in your working and living space. Educate them and yourself about the importance of smart energy consumption. We offer you a way to not be ignorant, to share important values and strengthen your community.